The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
HOW Coalition FY2021 Funding Priorities
The HOW Coalition has submitted a set of five letters urging Congress to fund Great Lakes priorities for organizational sign-ons. Read about our priorities, and see the letters below!
Press Briefing: Trump Budget Undermines Drinking Water, Great Lakes Priorities
Great Lakes advocates decried President Trump’s 2020 budget, pointing to drastic cuts to programs that support drinking water infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure, the Environmental Protection Agency, research, and more.
Trump Budget Undermines Efforts to Protect Drinking Water, Great Lakes
The Trump Administration’s proposed 2020 budget, released today, supports the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, but undermines these proposed investments by substantially cutting core clean water and drinking water programs elsewhere in the budget.
House Vote Paves Way for Boost to Great Lakes Funding
In a major victory for clean water advocates, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2019.
Coalition Thanks Bi-Partisan Group of Senators for Making Great Lakes a Priority
Today the U.S. Senate Great Lakes Task Force sent a letter to the Trump Administration, urging it to fund the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative at no less than $320 million.
Great Lakes Coalition Opposes Trump Assault on Clean Water Protections
The Trump Administration is expected to announce today that it will greatly reduce clean water protections for streams and wetlands across the country. The Healing Our Waters - Great Lakes Coalition strongly opposes this move.
Environmental Leaders Urge Army Corps of Engineers to Include Great Lakes Projects in Work Plan
The Healing Our Waters - Great Lakes Coalition sent a letter to the Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the Office office of Management Budget, urging those offices to ensure that the Army Corps of Engineers's FY2020 work plan includes investments in Great Lakes projects.
Federal Budget Supports Great Lakes, Clean Water Funding
The newly-released 2020 budget includes increases in funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, as well as new funding for improving drinking water infrastructure.