HOW Coalition FY2021 Funding Priorities

The HOW Coalition has submitted a set of five letters urging Congress to fund Great Lakes priorities for organizational sign-ons. More information about these letters is at the bottom of this email and the House versions of the letters are attached (identical versions addressed to senators will also be sent).

Below are brief descriptions of the five letters for sign on. The full letters are attached.

  • Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (House and Senate)

    • This subcommittee has jurisdiction over the EPA and the DOI. This includes funding for the GLRI, the USGS and FWS’s invasive species activities and research, and the array of EPA clean water and water infrastructure grant programs. The letter details the importance of these programs and makes our respective FY2021 funding requests.

  • Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies (House and Senate)

    • This subcommittee has jurisdiction over funding for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. This includes the Corps role in protecting the basin from Asian carp through investments in the Brandon Road project pre-construction, in addition to enhancing Great Lakes restoration and resiliency through research and coastal infrastructure improvements. The letter details these programs and makes our respective FY2021 funding requests.

  • Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (House and Senate)

    • This subcommittee has jurisdiction over NOAA programs. This includes funding for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, the Great Lakes Observing System, research into HABs, and several grant programs like Sea Grant and the Coastal Zone Management Grants. The letter details these programs and makes our respective FY2021 funding requests.

  • Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies (House and Senate)

    • This subcommittee has jurisdiction over the USDA and Farm Bill programs. This includes the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its programs important for providing the technical assistance and investments needed to reduce agricultural runoff and its impact on water quality and the growing threat of HABs. The letter details these programs and makes our respective FY2021 funding requests.

  • State, Foreign Operations, and Related Agencies (House and Senate)

    • This subcommittee has jurisdiction over the State Department who funds and operates the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission. The letter details this program and makes our respective FY2021 funding request.


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