Protecting Great Lakes drinking water

Federal Investments are Protecting Drinking Water

In partnership with the states, the federal government provides low-interest loans to communities to help fix and replace their water treatment facilities, pipes, and other water infrastructure to meet their clean water goals. In addition to traditional water infrastructure, nature-based solutions are also being implemented so that trees and plants can help absorb flood waters and filter pollutants.

But Serious Threats Remain

Our drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is crumbling. Based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Watershed Needs Survey and Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment, over the next 20 years the Great Lakes region needs $225 billion to bring our water infrastructure up-to-date. Meanwhile, water rates are becoming increasingly unaffordable for families: from 2010 to 2017, water rates increased by 41 percent across the country. Federal investments to support water infrastructure have dropped since 1977 when they made up 63 percent of total spending. By 2014, the federal contribution had dropped to 9 percent. We need a strong partnership with the federal government to increase funding for water infrastructure projects, to ensure water services are affordable, to invest in nature-based solutions, and to protect the source of our drinking water.