The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
Congress Seeks Boost in Great Lakes Funding
A bipartisan group of senators and representatives have introduced legislation to significantly ramp up funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Removing Invasive Phragmites Improves Presque Isle Habitat
Removing phragmites and other invasive plants has allowed native plant communities to recover, restoring healthy habitat.
Coalition Calls on Presidential Candidates to Support Great Lakes Platform for Clean Drinking Water
The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition today is calling on presidential candidates to support a Great Lakes platform for clean drinking water.
Great Lakes Platform for Drinking Water
We urge our region’s leaders to demostrate their support for the Great Lakes and the people, buisnesses, and wildlife that depend on them.
Replacing a Culvert Improves Brook Trout Habitat in Pennsylvania
Replacing a culvert, stabilizing a road and restoring fish habitat allowed for fish passage in a small stream that eventually feeds into Lake Ontario.
Restoring Land Surrounding Duncan Bay Improves Coastal Habitat
Purchasing and restoring 317 acres of land surrounding Duncan Bay improved aquatic habitat and fostered outdoor recreational opportunities.
Harvesting Invasive Cattails Restores Coastal Wetlands
Harvesting invasive cattails in 200 acres of coastal wetlands helped native plants return, restored habitat and paved the way for fish to flourish.
Nature-based Infrastructure Reduces Runoff
Installing nature-based infrastructure in Hobart, Ind. is preventing at least 800,000 gallons of polluted stormwater runoff from flowing into Lake Michigan.