The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
U.S. Reps Urge Funding Boost to $400M for Great Lakes Restoration
Coalition supports efforts by 47 U.S. House Republicans and Democrats to boost federal investments in restoration, protection efforts.
Senate Committee Passes Water Bill with Great Lakes, Invasive Carp Provisions
The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today advanced the Water Resources Development Act of 2022, a key step in ensuring Congress passes this critical biennial water infrastructure legislation. The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition is supporting several provisions in the bill.
Great Lakes Coalition Releases Funding Priorities in Letters to House Appropriations Leaders
The Coalition and more than 90 of its member organizations released its 2023 fiscal year congressional investment priorities to restore and protect the Great Lakes and provide clean, safe, and affordable drinking water to communities, in letters to U.S. House appropriations leaders.
FY2023 Appropriations Letters
The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition and a multitude of partners have sent five letters in support of Great Lakes priorities as part of the annual appropriations process.
Great Lakes Conference: Save-the-Date and Submit Your Proposals!
We’re back! The Great Lakes Conference 2022 will be held from Tuesday, October 18 to Wednesday, October 19, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Five Take-aways From Biden Budget
The Biden Administration released its proposed budget on Monday, March 28. There’s a lot to like in the budget, as well as some things that could be improved. Here are some take-aways from the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition.
President’s Budget FAQ
How does the Biden Budget fare in relation to the Great Lakes and clean water? Learn more in our budget breakdown.
Biden Budget on Clean Water: Boost to Water Infrastructure, Cuts to Great Lakes Restoration
The Biden Administration’s proposed budget, released today, cuts the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, boosts funding to reduce lead in drinking water, maintains funding for the nation’s primary water infrastructure loan programs, and increases the EPA’s budget to confront climate change and address environmental injustices.