The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
Members of the House and Senate to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regarding Region 5
Members of Congress write the EPA to express grave concerns regarding reports to abolish Region 5 as part of the fiscal year 2018 budget.
Michigan Representatives to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regarding Region 5
Michigan Representatives write to the EPA in opposition to the closure of the Region 5 office based in the Great Lakes region.
Coalition and Others to EPA Administrator Regarding the Clean Water Rule
Millions of supporters provide perspective on Administrator Pruitt’s intention to eliminate the federal safeguards included in the 2015 Water Rule.
The Coalition and Others to Senators Regarding Great Lakes Priorities
The Coalition and others write to ask appropriators to assure that Great Lakes restoration priorities receive funding for fiscal year 2018.
Coalition Comments to Senators Regarding the Waters of the United States Rule
Senators ask the Environment and Public Works Committee to submit this letter for the record for the Committee’s April 26 hearing on the Clean Water Rule.
Coalition Urges Congress to Support Great Lakes Investments
As the uproar continues over the Trump Administration’s budget proposal to eliminate core Great Lakes programs, the coalition is turning to the U.S. Congress.
Coalition and Others to House Appropriators Regarding the Great Lakes Priorities
The coalition and others write to the House Committee on Appropriations regarding Great Lakes restoration priorities in the FY2018 appropriations bill.
U.S. House Pushes Back to Restore Great Lakes Funding, In Wake of Proposed Trump Administration Cuts
In the wake of President Trump’s budget outline released earlier this month that would eliminate Great Lakes restoration programs, members of the House expressed their concern.