The Latest from the Coalition
On this page you can find the latest news from the Coalition, including stories of restoration successes, profiles of ongoing clean water issues, policy updates, and press releases.
Coalition to Sen. Carl Levin Regarding the Great Lakes Ecosystem Protection Act
We want to add our Coalition’s name to the list of organization’s endorsing your bill H.R. 4755, the Great Lakes Ecosystem Protection Act of 2010.
Coalition to U.S. House Chairpersons Regarding the Great Lakes Ecosystem Protection Act
The coalition asks Representatives to schedule a legislative hearing and mark up of H.R. 4755, the Great Lakes Ecosystem Protection Act of 2010.
Coalition and others to President Barack Obama Regarding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
We are writing on behalf of the undersigned organizations to urge you to fund the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative at $475 million in FY11.
Coalition and Others Comment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding Asian carp
The coalition and others submit these comments on some of the key actions we support regarding stopping Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes.
Coalition to Office of Management and Budget Regarding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
The coalition asks the Office of Management and Budget to support the same funding level for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in the FY11 budget.
Coalition Provides Comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regarding the Great Lakes Multi-Year Restoration Action Plan
The Coalition submits comments to the Environmental Protection Agency’s regarding the “Great Lakes Multi-Year Restoration Action Plan.”
Coalition to Senators Regarding the Clean Water Restoration Act Amendments
The coalition urges Senators to vote for the compromise Baucus-Klobuchar-Boxer amendment to the Clean Water Restoration Act.
Coalition to Senators regarding the Great Lakes Legacy Act
The Coalition asks Senators to vote for the Great Lakes Legacy Act during this week’s Committee on Environment and Public Works business meeting.