Senators to U.S. EPA Regarding Cuts to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

To: The Honorable Scott Pruitt
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

From: The undersigned members of the U.S. Senate

Dear Administrator Pruitt:

As members of the Senate Great Lakes Task Force, we are writing to express our great concern about reports that the Environmental Protection Agency’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget might include drastic cuts to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative program, which enjoys bipartisan and bicameral support. It is our understanding that an initial budget blueprint only included $10 million for the Initiative, which if accurate, would be 97 percent below the $300 million Congress appropriated in FY2016 and in previous fiscal years…


Representatives to Appropriators Regarding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative


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