Letter to the Environment and Public Works Committee to address fixing our nation’s water infrastructure

Members of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition write to offer our appreciation and support for the Environment and Public Works Committee’s efforts to address fixing our nation’s water infrastructure.Read the Coalition’s letter here.The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition Members add:It is critical we begin to address this infrastructure crisis that hamstrings communities and leaves too many low-income and minority households facing unsafe and unaffordable water. Fixing our region’s failing infrastructure can put people to work, set the stage for economic revitalization in our towns and cities, and ensure safe, clean, and affordable water is available to all. Our communities stand ready to get to work, delaying action will only make the problems worse and costlier to solve.[pdf-embedder url="https://healthylakes.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/HOW_2021-03-23_EPW-Water-Infrasturucture-mark-up-Letter-of-Support-v.-Final.pdf"]


Senate Committee Advances Water Infrastructure Bill


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