Great Lakes Groups Support U.S. Representative Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Department of the Interior

Members of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition are supporting the nomination of U.S. Representative Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI). In a letter to our U.S. Senators, Great Lakes advocates wrote: “As a longtime advocate for clean water with a stellar bipartisan record, Rep. Haaland will listen to science and ensure the Interior Department fulfills its obligation to the public by protecting our region’s lakes, rivers, and streams.”Read the Coalition’s letter here.The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition Members said:“Rep. Haaland has the experience and shown the leadership needed to guide the Department forward, proving herself ready to address the existential threat of climate change to our region, enhance Great Lakes restoration, and to work in collaboration with our communities and Tribal Nations to ensure DOI creates equitable opportunities for all American to enjoy our public lands and waters. We are pleased to offer our support for this nomination.” [pdf-embedder url=""]


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