Funding Opportunity: Up To $26 Million Available From EPA for GLRI Projects

A new opportunity to apply for grants under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is now available. Up to $26 million will be available for grants to state, tribal, interstate and local governmental agencies, institutions of higher learning and other nonprofit organizations. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is looking for projects that address invasive species and nutrients in several specific categories, listed below. Applications are due January 13, 2017. Remember that there are often pieces of federal applications that require advance preparation; start the application process early. It is likely that this will be the only Request for Applications from the Environmental Protection Agency under these categories in this fiscal year.A webinar explaining the grant application process will be held at 2 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 21, 2016. The request for applications and information about applying for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grants is available at anticipates funding projects in the following categories:

  • Great Lakes Taxonomy and Barcodes to Support Early Detection Monitoring (EPA-R5-GL2016-TAG)

EPA expects to provide up to approximately $1,600,000 for approximately 4 projects in amounts up to a maximum of $400,000 in EPA funding to support the taxonomic vouchering of invertebrate specimens and the development of reference barcodes. 

  • Invasive Species Control (EPA-R5-GL2016-ISC)

EPA expects to provide up to approximately $10,000,000 for approximately 18 projects in amounts up to a maximum of $600,000 in EPA funding that control invasive species and initiate the long-term stewardship of project sites. 

  • Foundations for Invasive Species Collaborations (EPA-R5-GL2016-FFC)

EPA expects to provide up to approximately $1,500,000 for approximately 5 projects in amounts up to a maximum of $300,000 in EPA funding that initiate species-specific Great Lakes invasive species management collaborations. 

  • Phosphorus Risk Reduction Pilots in Western Lake Erie Agricultural Watersheds (EPA-R5-GL2016-PRR)

EPA expects to provide up to approximately $1,500,000 for approximately 5 projects in amounts up to a maximum of $500,000 in EPA funding for a pilot initiative that seeks to expand the tools available to farmers seeking to reduce phosphorus losses through a risk management approach. 

  • Agricultural Watershed Management Implementation (EPA-R5-GL2016-AWM)

EPA expects to provide up to approximately $5,200,000 for approximately 10 projects in amounts up to a maximum of $750,000 in EPA funding to reduce nonpoint source pollution to the Great Lakes from agricultural sources. 

  • Urban Watershed Management Implementation (EPA-R5-GL2016-UWM)

EPA expects to provide up to approximately $5,400,000 for approximately 13 projects in amounts up to a maximum of $500,000 in EPA funding to reduce nonpoint source pollution to the Great Lakes from urban sources. 

  • Agricultural Incentive Program Effectiveness (EPA-R5-GL2016-AIP)

EPA expects to provide up to $750,000 in EPA funding for one cooperative agreement to undertake a socio-economic analysis of the effectiveness of current approaches intended to engage agricultural producers and change on-farm decision making to improve water quality in the GLRI Priority Watersheds (Lower Fox River, WI; Saginaw River, MI; Maumee River, OH; and Genesee River, NY).For more information about the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative visit Applicants with questions can contact Bart Mosier ( 312-353-4513  


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