COVID-19 Crisis Help to Frontline Communities

COVID-19 has devastated communities across the Great Lakes region, and has deepened already existing racial and social inequities in public health outcomes, access to safe and clean drinking water, and many other areas. At the same time, many HOW Coalition members and other groups are working within the communities that the Coronavirus pandemic has hit the hardest, advocating for and providing relief to those who need it most.To support these efforts, the HOW Coalition is offering help to member NGOS and frontline groups, and to facilitate members helping other members in this time of crisis. Working with our network of Coalition members, the Governance Board, and the Equity Advisory and Action Committee, we are offering financial resources and human resources (technical, policy, research, communication skills) through a small grant program (details below).We recognize that many of our member groups and frontline groups and individuals need additional financial resources along with additional skills-based resources during the pandemic.  Through the Coalition’s relationships we hope to identify and provide these needed resources.The HOW Coalition has up to $25,000 in funds and is developing a resource bank of skills and services available from HOW member groups.  The HOW Coalition is starting this effort with $25,000 but we are seeking opportunities to increase the amount of these funds.

Please click here to see the application. 

HOW is accepting applications from member frontline groups that focus on providing needed funds or resources to organizations for services during the pandemic.  Preference will be given to HOW member groups and we will encourage membership for others.

Applications can be brief and should not exceed one page.  Applications MUST include:

  • Goals for the proposed activity, the tactics and activity that will be employed, and the outcome/s (e.g. people served).
  • An explanation of why the applicant/organization is best positioned to do this work.
  • The budget needed for the work (financial or resource)
  • A timeline for work
  • Application forms can be found here

Please do not exceed one page for the narrative of the application.  Typical awards will be between $1,000-5,000.Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  You can expect a response within 2 weeks from your application. There is no deadline for application.Examples of project or needs that would be fundable include (but are not limited to): Research—research on public drinking water stations, policy options, or other strategyTrainings--remote work skills and tools, outreach strategies, cultural sensitivityWriting--grant deliverables, translation services, press releasesCommunications—assistance with setting up email list serves, zoom meetings or subscriptions, media training and advice, review of communications materialsPolicy—consultation on strategy and implementationMaterials or supplies—masks, gloves, food, bottled water, printingStaff—specific and time limited staffing needsDirect Lobbying is ineligible.A final report on how the funds were used, the outcome, and any lessons learned is required within a month of the completion of the project.


Working Towards a More Just and Equitable Society


Coalition Supports Investments in Drinking Water, Great Lakes in Stimulus Bill