Coalition to EPA providing formal comment on the GLRI Action Plan III

To: Chris Korleski
Director, Great Lakes National Program Office
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604

From: The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition

Dear Mr. Korleski:

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is an effective program that is producing results in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Management actions at nearly 40 percent of the total Areas of Concern have been completed. The number of farmland acres enrolled in agricultural conservation programs in four priority watersheds has more than doubled. Over 250 million gallons of untreated urban stormwater runoff has been prevented from entering the Great Lakes. Endangered and threatened species such as the piping plover and lake sturgeon are recovering, and coastal wetlands are being restored…


Nature-based Infrastructure Reduces Runoff


Removing Invasive Plants Restores Native Plant Community