Coalition Thanks Congressional Leaders for Introduction of GLRI Act

Coalition Thanks Congressional Leaders for Introduction of GLRI ActHealing Our Waters - Great Lakes Coalition members sent letters to the House Majority Leader and Senate Majority leader, along with House and Senate co-sponsors, to thank them for the introduction of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2019. This crucial act would re-authorize the successful Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and increase its funding to $475 million per year over five years. Over the past decade the GLRI has been improving lives across Great Lakes communities after decades of environmental damage threatened public health, the regional economy, and its drinking water. The GLRI has allowed the 8-state region to undertake one of the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem restoration projects.Click here to read the letter sent to the House Majority LeaderClick here to read the letter sent to the Senate Majority LeaderClick here to read the letter sent to House co-sponsorsClick here to read the letter sent to Senate co-sponsors


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