Coalition Supports Biden Administration Push for Stronger Clean Water Protections


Lindsey Bacigal,, (734) 887-7113

Jordan Lubetkin,, (734) 904-1589

Coalition Supports Biden Administration Push for Stronger Clean Water Protections

February 7, 2022 (ANN ARBOR, MICH.)—The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition supports the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed rule to strengthen clean water protections essential to the health of communities and the Great Lakes. The agencies are proposing a rule that will determine the level of protections for several classifications of streams and wetlands.

The Coalition and 50 member organizations, in a comment letter submitted today, supported the rule-making, which will replace Trump administration guidance that weakened clean water protections and opened the door for rivers and wetlands to be polluted and destroyed. Read the letter on our website.“With many of our cities and towns living with unsafe drinking water, we need more – not less – protection for clean water,” said Laura Rubin, director of the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition. “We support the Biden Administration’s action, and we encourage them to move quickly to develop and to put in place stronger protections for streams and wetlands that are essential to our drinking water, Great Lakes, public health, recreation, and quality of life.”

More than 117 million people in the United States depend on drinking water sources that are fed in part by streams and wetlands. In the Great Lakes states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, more than 30 million people rely on drinking water fed by these waters.“Preserving and protecting streams and wetlands is also essential to protect the health of communities that are facing the impacts of environmental degradation, pollution, and flooding,” states the letter. “Clean drinking water is a basic need, and we should be doing all we can to ensure that everyone has access to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water. Re-establishing strong clean water protections is essential to achieving the goals of swimmable, fishable, and drinkable waters.”

Since 2004, the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition has been harnessing the collective power of more than 170 groups representing millions of people, whose common goal is to restore and protect the Great Lakes. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter @HealthyLakes.



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