Coalition Pleased to See Full Funding of GLRI Proposed

ANN ARBOR, MICH. (July 1, 2021) – Today, House Appropriators approved the fiscal year 2022 Interior and Environment funding legislation, advancing historic funding levels for key agencies and providing robust funding for clean water and Great Lakes restoration programs. The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition is pleased to see the House respond to bi-partisan support for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), proposing funding the program at $375 million in the new fiscal year. The committee also approved historic funding levels for the EPA, proposing a much-needed funding increase for the agency of almost 23% to $11.4 billion for fiscal year 2022.

On June 21, the Coalition and 93 of its members sent a letter to Congress advocating for full funding of the GLRI. Laura Rubin, director of the Coalition stated, “We are glad to see that such an effort did not go unnoticed. The GLRI has improved the lives of millions in the region and more funding will allow for more efforts to move forward in protecting and preserving the region, its communities, and its residents.”

Key Great Lakes and clean water programs funded under this proposal include:

  • Great Lakes Protection and Restoration

    • Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: $375 million - a $45 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

    • Invasive Carp funding: $36.6 million across US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Geological Survey programs - a $1 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

  • Water Infrastructure

    • Clean Water State Revolving Fund: $1.87 billion - a $232 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

    • Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: $1.36 billion - a $232 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

    • Sewer Overflow Grants: $60 million - a $20 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

    • Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: $81.5 million - a $60 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

  • Clean Water Protection

    • Clean water state grants: $235 million - a $5 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

    • Nonpoint pollution grants: $180 million - a $3 million increase over fiscal year 2021 enacted

The Interior and Environment funding bill now heads to the full House of Representatives for consideration. The House is expected to vote on the bill later this month.

Since 2004, the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition has been harnessing the collective power of more than 160 groups representing millions of people, whose common goal is to restore and protect the Great Lakes. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter @HealthyLakes.

Contact for media: Lindsey Bacigal,, (734) 887-7113

Contact for policy: Alexis J. Lopez-Cepero, Senior Legislative Analyst,


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