Coalition and Others to Office of Management and Budget Regarding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

To: The Honorable Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Office of Management and Budget
Executive Office of the President
Washington, DC 20503

From: The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition
The Great Lakes Commission
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission
The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
The Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority
The Council of Great Lakes Industries
The Great Lakes Metro Chambers Coalition

Dear OMB Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell:

We urge you to ensure the President’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposal provides funding for Great Lakes restoration priorities. This includes $300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund at its current level. The Great Lakes states, communities, tribes, conservation organizations, and business and industry are united in supporting these vital and successful efforts to protect and restore the Great Lakes, the source of drinking water for over 30 million people…


Coalition and Others to Office of Management and Budget Regarding the Great Lakes


Restoring fish habitat by getting the wood out