Clean Water for All Depends on a Strong Democracy

The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition believes that clean water for all depends on a strong democracy. Last year, after the January 6 siege on the Capitol, the Coalition issued the following statement (below) that underscores our commitment to a strong democracy and opposition to efforts to disenfranchise people and communities in the electoral process. One principle of our democracy is that the people affected by a problem should have a say in its solution. This is especially important in cases where communities have been harmed by pollution. The Coalition supports efforts to increase participation in our democracy and the decision-making process, including efforts to bring people and communities to the table that have historically been excluded.

[pdf-embedder url="" title="HOW Statement on Democracy"]


House Holds Hearing on Bills to Restore Great Lakes Habitat 


U.S. House Members Urge Biden to Support Great Lakes Funding